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Super8 technology -

Mike´s cams 

last modification: february 10th, 2012

Porst was one of the big german/european camera trader with a lot of shops everywhere. Had Super 8 models from (CHINON, COSINA and Bosch/Bauer) under his own brandname and optical design.

I have listed some samples of interesting models (see also at the original brand name for additional informations). Some models can fitted with modifications for professional usage.

FM120 S (made by CHINON  name: PACIFIC 12 SMR )

The smooth and silent running FM120S can not check 64ASA film cartridges automatically! For using 64ASA film: at rear: +/- exposure correction! or manual fstop setting

Porst sound 850 XL macro (made by BAUER name: 409 XL

PORST sound 650 XL Schneider  macro lens 1.2 / 7-45mm, filter 55mm, shutter 200°, fps 1, 18, 24, 32, fade, BLC, remote control, flash

One top soundcameramodel:PORST sound 850 XL Schneider  macro lens 1.2 / 6-51mm, shutter 200°, fps 1, 18, 24, 40, timer from  6 fps to 1 frame/minute , fade, BLC, remote control, flash

Other models are available. All camera models with name PORST sound  .... XL are models made from BAUER (same technology, NEOVARON lenses from Schneider...and quality!)

Beaulieu with the legendary lens Angenieux 6-90mm --- why you do not buy a Porst sound 1500 microcomputer or a BAUER 715 XL ? They have the same lens and lot of attractive automatic features!  Never heard from it?  These two models are identical:exceping the integrated shoulderbracket from S 715 XL The brand name Porst has specified Angenieux 1.8 / 6-90 mm and for Bauer is specified 1.4 / 6-90 mm -- but these lenses are identical!  Metering shows: there is no difference. (The viewfinder form Porst shows f/stop 1.8 but this is identical to f/stop 1.4 from BAUER. This is a marketing trick! . Outstanding Bauer camera quality combined with ANGENIEUX !

PORST sound 1500 microcomputer

The TOP - soundmodel is identical to the Bauer S715 XL microprocessor with the legendary Angenieux lens 15x zoom 1.8 /7 - 90mm, shutter 200°, fade, lap dissolve, BLC, fps 1, 9, 18, 24, 40, trick automatic: 2 / 3 / 4 frames, timer: 4 and 1 fps, 10 and 1 fpm, computer controlled take length: 6 / 8 / 10 sec. , start delay, remote control, flash.

Original BAUER cameras can not check 64 ASA film cartridges! Only manual aperture setting is working - But with possible modifications  you have  +/- exposure correction and can run 64 ASA automatically. External power socket is also available!

The silence models:  very interesting are MS600, MS800 ...same as Bauer Royal 6E, 8E..... with rewind and longterm exposure combined with variable scene lengts feature and backward filming- never seen on a Beaulieu, Nizo, Canon, Minolta or any other...)

with special modifications : lightmeter adjustment and external power socket..

There are a lot of other models sold from Porst which are not for usage today only for collection.

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