Important to know if you want to use other lenses with this camera ....:
Inside the body in front of the filmgate there is a prime lens which is fixed mounted. In conjunction with the optical system of the original Meteor zoom lens (which has a c-mount) the light passes onto fhe film. This is different to Beaulieu/Schneider C-mount lenses. These cameras do not have any prime lens! It is not possible to mount a Beaulieu lens! To use any other than the original Meteor lens you have to do adaption of the whole optical system.
In the past I have used this camera with a c-mount adapter, a special converter-lens and an old professional Canon TV zoom 18-105mm. This works fine. Due to other focal-length of the whole optical system, it was not possible to use the distancescale of the Canon lens, which gives wrong results! (I have made a conversion table for this).
- The properties of the necessary conversion lens depends of the used (zoom) lens. I can give no tips - it has to be calculated and you have to build up your own conversion system with lensholder, c-mout......
This is only a job for someone who has in depth knowledge about optics and has also access to metalwork for adapters and to lenses).